Traffic and Transport Engineering
Contour has an experienced team dedicated to providing expert advice on transport planning and traffic engineering related issues extending from the planning stages, right through to project management, detailed design, construction, and operations. Our experience spans most areas of traffic and transport engineering with our team specialising in the following areas:
- Project scoping and concept design;
- Rural roads and highways;
- Site access roads;
- Pavement design and assessments;
- Road drainage, including hydrological investigations, modelling, and design;
- Civil works for rail infrastructure;
- Structures including bridges and culverts;
- Road furniture and street lighting; and
- Streetscaping and urban renewal.
Traffic and Transport Engineering Examples:
Gibbins Way – New Greenfield Industrial Collector Road – Chevallum Road Intersection – Bruce Highway Service Road – Forest Glen
This project involved the planning and detailed design of a new industrial collector road, including services relocations for High Voltage and Low Voltage power transmission, trunk water/sewer, communications relocations, property resumptions, and drainage. The project included a mixture of full-construction and overlay/widening, intersection upgrades, street lighting, traffic lights, and associated infrastructure.

Parklands Boulevard, Little Mountain – 4 Lane Urban Arterial Road Upgrade
This project involved the detailed design of upgrades to Parklands Blvd to Meridan Plains, from the existing 2 Lane configuration to 4 Lanes with on-road cycle facilities, and off-road pathways. The extent of the project is between the intersection of Meridan Way and east of the Sunset Drive intersection.
The consultancy works undertook all the various elements of the preliminary planning and detailed design for the construction of the upgrade, including services relocations for High Voltage and Low Voltage power transmission, trunk water/sewer, communications relocations, property resumptions, and drainage.
The project included a mixture of full-construction and overlay/widening, intersection upgrades, street lighting, traffic lights, and associated infrastructure. Also included was the consideration of Unitywater negotiations, concept/preliminary redesign due to funding versus budget constraints, environmental reporting, additional construction cost estimates, design centerline shift, community consultation graphics, and early works design packages.
42 Foxwood Drive, Burpengary
Contour was engaged by a private developer to provide traffic engineering services associated with a 1 into 16 Lot subdivision, with the project requiring the design of two new urban roads, one with a cul-de-sac and the other with a temporary turnaround to service the development.
Contour undertook the design of these roads in-line with Council standards, including Austroads, with our design covering alignment geometry, stormwater, line marking and signage, intersections, and pavements designs.
Contour’s design also included internal works, including the conveyance of a large external stormwater catchment through the site via open channel, internal stormwater catchment and treatment via biopods and detention basins, and water reticulation.

Sunshine Coast Stadium
Contour was engaged by Sunshine Coast Council and provided transport planning and traffic engineering services to KPMG as part of the strategic planning and site selection for the future Sunshine Coast Sports Stadium (25,000 seat capacity). As part of our services, we analysed traffic and transport impacts for two potential site locations and noted, importantly, both sites adjoined Department of Transport and Main Roads controlled roads, these being Caloundra Road and Nicklin Way. Contour’s assessment and report covered the following for both locations:
- Determine baseline transport conditions;
- Identification of potential transport related opportunities and constraints;
- Identification of planned transport infrastructure upgrades;
- Determine potential transport demands likely to be generated by a variety of design even scenarios;
- Quantify potential transport infrastructure requirements that may be required to adequately accommodate the estimated design scenario demands; and
- Identification of traffic management strategies that may be required to accommodate maximum use scenarios.
Nambour and District Sports Ground
Contour was engaged by Sunshine Coast Council and provided transport planning and traffic engineering services as part of due diligence processes for a proposed major district sports ground development located near Nambour. Our services included traffic investigations, gathering traffic data, the assessment of public transport and active transport modes (pedestrians and cyclists), and assessment of existing road infrastructure in the context of potentially significant increases in traffic volumes triggered by the development of the sports ground.
Contour undertook SIDRA intersection analysis for existing intersections on Nambour Connection Road (State controlled road), including signalised intersections for which Contour prepared a preliminary design. Other services included the internal earthworks design, parking areas, internal roads, and site access comprising roundabout design.

Caloundra and District Sports Ground
Contour was engaged by Sunshine Coast Council to provide transport planning and traffic engineering services as part of due diligence processes for a proposed major district sports ground development located near Caloundra. Our services included traffic investigations, gathering traffic data, and the assessment of existing road infrastructure in the context of potentially significant increases in traffic volumes triggered by the development of the sports ground.
Contour undertook SIDRA intersection analysis for existing intersections, including signalised intersections associated with the Caloundra Road / Racecourse Road Interchange (State controlled road). Other services included the assessment of parking demand, the provision of public transport, pedestrian, and cyclist access, and the preliminary design of the site access intersection, internal roadways, and parking facilities.
Leichhardt Highway, Wandoan
Contour was engaged by a private developer to provide traffic engineering, and transport planning services and reporting for submission to Western Downs Regional Council and Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR), in support of Material Change of Use (MCU) and Reconfiguration of a Lot (RoL) applications. This project related to a mixed-use development including residential, industry, accommodation camps, and open space and recreation 2klms east of the Wandoan township. Contour’s services included traffic investigations, gathering traffic data, turning warrant assessment, and assessment of existing road infrastructure in the context of potential increases in traffic volumes triggered by the development. Further, we prepared an access intersection design, receiving approval from TMR, with the design incorporating channelised and auxiliary turn lanes.

Western Downs Regional Council Secondment
Contour was engaged by Western Downs Regional Council (WDRC) to provide two civil designers on secondment in 2018 for a total of six months, working from the Council’s Dalby office undertaking the following road designs:
- Cecil Plains Road & Wilds Road Intersection – design upgrade to the intersection for road trains;
- Moonie Highway & Wilds Road Intersection – design upgrade to the intersection for road trains;
- Chinchilla Flood Mitigation Works – strategic planning upgrade of regional stormwater infrastructure;
- Giligulgul Road – 2km road upgrade;
- Wilds Road – 10km road upgrade;
- Hannaford Road – 4km road upgrade;
- Arubial Road – 2.5km road upgrade;
- Kents Road – 2km road upgrade;
- Well Park Road – road upgrade;
- Raftery Road – road upgrade; and
- Upper Hamburg Road – 3km road upgrade.
Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) and RoadTek Pre-condition Surveys
Contour were engaged to undertake pre-condition surveys on dwellings, commercial, industrial buildings, and roadside furniture, within the potential risk zone adjacent to road upgrade projects. Contour’s services included a detailed assessment to confirm is any pre-existing structural defects existing at these properties prior to works commencing. We captured detailed video and photographic survey and prepared a pre-condition survey report for each property. Our services included reviews of private, and local and/or state-owned infrastructure, such as dwellings, retaining walls, tilt panels, roads, and pathways, at the following sites:
- Kawana Way, Birtinya – road upgrades;
- David Low Way, Mudjimba – road upgrades; and
- Oxley Avenue, Woody Point – road upgrades.
Further, we also undertook pre-lease structural engineering inspections of two properties and associated buildings in Nambour where RoadTek relocated after the closure of their Caloundra Interchange Depot.

Camp Flat Road, Bli Bli – Road Safety Audit
Contour was engaged by Sunshine Coast Council to undertake a Road Safety Audit and prepare a report for a 1.64klm section of Camp Flat Road in support of a Blackspot Funding submission prepared by Council. Contour’s assessment considered the following road features:
- Desktop assessment of road horizontal and vertical geometry, super-elevations, cross sections, and long sections;
- Onsite inspection to confirm Safe Intersection Site Distances within the audit area;
- Onsite inspection to identify infrastructure and/or batters within the clear zone; and
- Onsite inspection to identify existing line marking, signage, speed environment, and road widths.
At the completion of the onsite inspection and desktop assessments, Contour assessed this section of road against Council’s Planning Scheme and Austroads Guidelines, as District Collector street, and prepared a detailed report confirming non-conformances.